Yesterday I built the beginnings of a news aggregator.
What it does:
- Aggregates RSS feeds to database
- Each feed has customizable title, image (forced size 100x100)
- Displays RSS items sorted by date (newest first)
- Almost MVC - design and content are relatively separate but not fully. I didn't use a PHP Templating Engine, it's hard coded with functions that do output some HTML
- Sitewide variables done via static PHP include.
- Shows Comments (Disqus)
- Allows Commenting on article (Disqus)
What it doesn't do (yet):
- Pagination - only showing 10 items, no way to scroll back further
- Search - no search implemented yet
- Channels - view all items posted by a certain blog
- Admin Interface - Adding new sites, editing is all done directly via MySQL.
- Magic Tricks - Illusion Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money... or candy.